Tiger house タイガーハウス


This page is created based on the question etc. which were obtained from the guest who stayed at the Tiger house in Miyagi, Chatan-cho.

The bus line and charge from Naha Airport to Chatan Miyagi(Change buses 0 times).(那覇空港から北谷町宮城までのバス路線と料金(乗継ぎ0回)).
The bus line and charge from Naha Airport to Chatan Miyagi(Change buses 2 times).(那覇空港から北谷町宮城までのバス路線と料金(乗継ぎ2回)).
The bus line and charge from Chatan-cho to a Chura-umi aquarium(北谷町から美ら海水族館までのバス路線と料金).
○ Recommended restaurant(おすすめの飲食店).
Okinawan noodles ”HAMAYASOBA”(浜屋そば(沖縄そば・てびち専門店))
○ Rrecommended shop for divers(おすすめのダイビングショップ).
○ Nearby supermarket(近くのスーパーマーケット).
The method of separation of garbage.(ごみの分別方法や出し方)
It adds one by one.

Beach opening schedule on the island(沖縄県内ビーチと海開きのタイムスケジュール)
