To Foreign Naionals Who Drive Vehicles in Japan.日本で車を運転する場合


●●●●●You can use, if you can present the following international license etc. and passport which can be operated in Japan. ●●●●●

①international license: The international license which the Geneva Convention member nation issued based on the form of the treaty. (The inside of Japan cannot be operated with the Vienna Convention, the EU union, and the international license of other forms.)
② its own country license and a formal Japanese translation : The country and the area in Italy Switzerland German France Belgium and Taiwan published, Both of Japanese translations which a domestic license, and the embassy of each country and a consulate or JAF published As for the term of validity, the term of validity of one year after the day which landed at Japan, or the license concerned is a short period either.(Operation in Japan cannot be performed with the international license which an above-mentioned country and the area issued.)


To Foreign Naionals Who Drive Vehicles in Japan.外国人運転者向け安全運転リーフレット(English)

To Foreign Naionals Who Drive Vehicles in Japan(Italian).外国人運転者向け安全運転リーフレット(Italian)

Operation of the car in Japan by the Taiwan driver’s license.
Taro10-ポンチ絵.PDF - Taiwan.pdf

[The Taiwan driver’s license] and [the translation in Japanese] are required.
When creating within Taiwan. 東亜関係協会
When creating within Japan.
台北駐日経済文化代表処 那覇分処


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